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In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen.

Great Lent Nine Passages of Vespers
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The Eritrean Orthodox Church: the Church that Suffers Silently

ICFC Persecution Alert, February 28, 2011, No. 10004

    Reports from inside the Eritrean Orthodox Church (EOC) in Asmara reveal the alarming degree to which the country’s oldest institution has been subjected to in one of the world’s most repressive countries. The relentless persecution on religion in general, which has been underway in the reclusive nation in northeast Africa for nearly a decade now, is reaching a critical point for the EOC. ... Read more, Click here


 Prayers, songs and preaching the gospel in Tahrir square (Liberation square), Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, February 6, 2011

All the political comments and positions does not equal a minute of this.

Click the link below.





 لا ينزع أحد فرحنا منا٠

يوحنا ١٦: ٢٢

تفرح قلوبنا بهذا العيد ولا ينزع أحد فرحنا منا (يوحنا ١٦: ٢٢) ليس مجرد تاريخ نتذكره بل حياة نعيشها٠ كما قال الملائك للرعاة أنه يبشرهم بفرح عظيم يكون لجميع الشعب٠ ولكن عندما نفرح بعيد الميلاد المجيد فرحاً عظيماً ليتنا نتذكر٠٠٠ تابع القراءة



حرية الأقلية وحرية الجماعة






I Corinthians 1:24


What is the Power of God? All the types of power in this world were created and they were created by God; whether the power of physics or chemistry, the power of the mind, the human, and the animal, etc. all these created powers are used by innocent and evil people. Satan himself has a power which he uses against the believers (II Thessalonians 2;9,10).  But what is the true Power? If the powers we have mentioned are ephemeral and are used by Satan, then what is the true Power that comes from God?


All material things cannot be considered as power if they separate from the true wisdom. For Solomon, when the power of wealth, reputation, and royalty separated from wisdom, it was no longer a power but became death and annihilation. “Riches do no profit  the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.” (Proverbs 11:4). When Samson, renowned for his physical power, left wisdom, his power did not benefit him, but he faced only annihilation. When Israel separated from the Wisdom of God in the Cross, it lost its power, and the Jewish nation was annihilated and dispersed. Continue Reading, Click Here
Where is your Faith?
"Faith working through Love" (Gal. 5:6) (2)
Our ultimate example is Our Lord Jesus Christ, but Christ handed down many things to the apostles; some have been written in the gospels and others we see in the life of the apostles in the Acts, Epistles and Revelation books, and in the history of the church and the Holy Tradition. Thus when we imitate the apostles we imitate Christ though our imitation of the apostles as the apostle Paul said, "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ." (1Cor. 11:1, 4:16) (Phil. 3:17)


The kind of faith I want to talk about is faith as a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Continue Reading, Click Here




أين إيمانكم؟

الإيمان العامل بالمحبة- غل ٥: ٦
إن مثالنا هو المسيح، ولكن المسيح سلم أشياء كثيرة للرسل بعضها كُتب فى الأناجيل والبعض نراه فى حياة الرسل فى أعمال الرسل والرسائل وسفر الرؤيا وتاريخ الكنيسة والتقليد المقدس. إذاً حينما نتمثل بالرسل فنحن نتمثل بالمسيح عن طريق تمثلنا بالرسل كما قال الرسول بولس، "كونوا متمثلين بي كما أنا أيضاً بالمسيح" (1كو  11 :  1) (1كو  4 :  16) (في  3 :  17)

ونوع الإيمان الذي أريد أن أتكلم عنه هو "الإيمان كثمرة من ثمار الروح القدس. "وأما ثمر الروح فهو محبة فرح سلام طول أناة لطف صلاح إيمان" غل  5 :  22 تابع القراءة، إضغط هنا


Où est votre foi?

“La Foi agissante par la charité.” (Gal 5:6)

On m’avait demandé d’écrire un article, et comme je songeais aux sujets que j’avais rencontrés durant de longues années de travail pour le magazine du Monastère “Abba Antony,” et à ce que je voyais dans la communauté, j’ai pensé que le meilleur sujet serait la Foi et sa relation avec notre vie.

C’est maintenant la période du jeûne des Apôtres, et ils étaient des exemples pour nous, par leur labeur et leur Foi. Notre ultime exemple est notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, mais le Christ avait délégué plusieurs responsabilités à Ses Disciples. Certaines sont mentionées dans l’Évangile, et nous voyons d’autres dans leurs vies, dans Les Actes des Apôtres, les Épitres, l’Apocalypse, l’Histoire de l’Église, et la Sainte Tradition.  Ainsi, lorsque nous imitons les Apôtres, nous imitons le Christ, comme le dit l’Apôtre Paul, “Soyez mes imitateurs, comme je le suis moi-même de Christ.” (I Cor. 11:1, 4:16) (Phil 3:17).  Cont.


(Galatians 5:6)


Many see the danger of the decline of faith and they fear for themselves or their children, but before we see how to strengthen our faith, let us first see the things that fight faith and snatch it away from us....Continue Reading, Click Here





(Galates 5:6)

Plusieurs voient le danger dans le déclin de la foi et ils craignent pour eux-mêmes et pour leurs enfants; mais avant de voir comment affermir notre foi, voyons d’abord les choses qui combattent la foi et nous l’arrachent....Cont.


الإيمان العامل بالمحبة"
(غل 5: 6)
كثيرون يرون خطر اضمحلال الإيمان ويخافون على أنفسهم أو على أولادهم ولكن قبل أن نرى كيف نقوى إيماننا دعنا نرى أولاً الأمور التى تقاوم الإيمان وتنتزعه....تابع القراءة بالضغط هنا




…and those who use this world as not misusing it.

For the form of this world is passing away,

1 Corinthians 7: 31

What is meant by the usage of this world by the believers, and how is this going to be according to their faith and hope in the eternal life?... Read More


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 "Unspeakable Words, The New Praise in Spirit and Truth"

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"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep" (John 10:11)

".. While faith and teaching of Christ, though mocked by you (philosophers) and often persecuted by kings, has filled the world."  (The Great Abba Antony)

"أما إيمان المسيح وتعاليمه فقد ملأت العالم رغم هزئكم بها (أيها الفلاسفة) واضطهاد الملوك لها فى أغلب الأحيان..."

العظيم الأنبا أنطونيوس

أليست هكذا كلمتي كنار يقول الرب وكمطرقة تحطم الصخر" إر29:23"

   لأن كلمة الله حية وفعالة وأمضى من كل سيف ذى حدين وخارقة الى مفرق النفس والروح والمفاصل والمخاخ ومميزة أفكار القلب ونياته  عب 12:4

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Unspeakable Words

Excerpts of the book

SaintAntony.faithweb.com Copyright © 2011 Saint Antony Publications, Fr.Marcus St.Antony, All rights reserved.

Last updated in February 2011

