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1-Saint Polycarp the Martyr Bishop of Smyrna

2-A spiritual song about Saint Abiskhiron of Kellein, Kafr Elsheikh, Egypt. (3rd-4th Century A.D.)
His feast of the commemoration of his martyrdom is on Baona 7, June 14.
One of his great miracles is that he moved his church from kellein to Albeiho, Samallot, Menia, Egypt.


3-Atai Parthenos Hymn in Coptic and Arabic

لحن أطاي بارثينوس قبطي -عربي


4-Glorification Hymn for St. Mark the Apostle, CTV


5-St  Pigol  &  St  Pishai Monastery, Sohag, Egypt دير  الأنبا  بيجول  والأنبا  بيشاي  بسوهاج المعروف بالدير الأحمر 


7-Glorification hymn of  the strong St. Moses the black by the fathers of St. Mary Monastery, Paramose in Egypt
مديح للانبا موسي الاسود بصوت مجمع اباء دير السيدة العذراء البرموس


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